Warning for people crossing the Ukrainian border: Beware of individuals sharing false information and offering services for financial compensation. You can fill in the necessary documents at the border for free, you will not be refused entry into EU countries and the authorities will not separate you from your children.
How to report a missing child from Ukraine?
Children from Ukraine reported missing in the EU

For a list of children suspected to be missing inside Ukraine please visit NGO Magnolia’s Facebook page and the 116000 @detipoisk Facebook page.
the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge
116 000
a free hotline for missing children and their families
116 111
a free listening service for children and youth

NGO "Magnolia"
NGO “Magnolia” works in Ukraine and continues to search for missing children even in the time of war. They need your support!

Missing Children Europe
Our 116000 helpdesk supports the national hotlines in Ukraine and at Ukraine’s borders. Help us build capacity of the 116 000 hotline in Ukraine and the neighbouring countries!
116 000 Hotline resources
In 32 countries across Europe, organisations operate the 116 000 hotline providing a free and 24/7 service to children (at risk of) going missing and their families. Anyone involved in a case of child disappearance (the child, a peer, a friend, a family member, carer or teacher) can call 116 000 and receive immediate emotional, psychological, social, legal and administrative support. In most member states, the services can also be reached through a variety of different text-based communication platforms such as a chat service. Check out the full list of hotlines here.
Ukraine – NGO Magnolia
To report a missing child, call our 116000 hotline or contact the local police and NGO Magnolia through Facebook Messenger.
Beneficiaries: Children. Adults reporting a missing case.
Contact: NGO Magnolia facebook page where you can report a missing child case through messenger
You can check listings of missing children on their Children’s search service facebook group @detipoisk
Romania - Asociatia Telefonul Copilului
The Romanian 116000 hotline offers free psychological and legal support. The organisation also cooperates with relevant institutions for interventions in Romania. Their 116000 hotline operators provide support in Romanian and English.
Beneficiaries: Children, youth and adults who want to report a case of a missing child.
Contact: 116 000 Hotline for missing children
116111 child helpline
E-mail: telefonulcopilului@telefonulcopilului.ro
Languages : Romanian, English
There is currently no 116000 hotline in Moldova. To make a report of a missing child, you will need to contact the local police.
If you are a young person in need of support, we suggest you contact:
The organization supports UNICEF to operate the Blue Dots centres at the border. The Blue Dots will be child safe spaces where initial information, referral, family reunification, identification of separated and unaccompanied children, as well as places for breastfeeding, hygiene, etc. will be offered. Support is offered in Russian, with publications available in Ukranian.
Beneficiaries: Children, youth, adults
Contact: (+373 22) 24 32 26, (+373 22) 23 25 28
Email: contact@ccfmoldova.org
Languages: Moldovian, Russian, some materials available in Ukrainian
116111 Telefon Copilului
Helpline for children and youth in Moldova
Beneficiaries: Children and youth
Contact: 1161111
Czech Republic - Cesta z krize, z. ú.
The Czech 116 000 hotline for missing children offers free psychological and legal support in Czech and English. The organisation also cooperates with relevant institutions for interventions in the Czech Republic. The Czech 116 123 helpline offers free psychological support for adult people in Czech.
116 000
Beneficiaries: Children and youth. Adults calling for the sake of children, including reporting a missing child case.
Contact: 116 000 Hotline for missing children
116 123
Beneficiaries: Adults in crisis
Contact: 116 123 Helpline Psychological First Aid
For Ukrainian, call +420 974 801 802 and ask for psychological help. They will connect you with us and translate our conversation.
Language: Czech
Poland – Fundacja ITAKA
To report a missing child, call 116000 or visit www.ukraina.zaginieni.pl and complete the form available in Ukrainian and Russian. On the website, you can also find some tips on what to do when a loved one goes missing. Fundacja ITAKA also takes reports of missing adults.
ITAKA Foundation launched a free youth helpline available from Monday till Saturday between 9:00-11:00 in Ukrainian and Russian. Call +48 22 4 848 804 to get free psychological support
Beneficiaries: Children and young adults. Missing adults. Adults reporting a missing case.
Contact: +48 22 4 848 804 helpline for Ukrainian/Russian speaking children and youth
www.ukraina.zaginieni.pl website where you can report a missing case
116000 hotline for missing children
Languages: Polish, helpline in Ukrainian and Russian, Monday-Saturday between 9:00-11:00
Hungary – Kek Vonal
Kek Vonal offers free psychological and legal support. They operate both the 116000 missing children hotline and the 116111 child helpline and cooperate with relevant institutions for interventions in the country. Their e-mail and chat services are available in Hungarian and English.
Beneficiaries: Children and young people up to 24 years old. Adults who want to report a case of a missing child.
Contact: 116000 hotline for missing children
116111 child helpline
E-mail: info@kek-vonal.hu
Languages : Hungarian, English (online support)
Slovakia - Linka Detskej Istoty
Psychological counseling is available in Slovak while calling 116 000 Hotline for missing children and 116 111 Helpline for children and youth. Online support via email is also available in English.
Beneficiaries: Children and youth. Adults calling for the sake of children, including reporting a missing child case.
Contact: 116 000 Hotline for missing children
E-mail: 116000@ldi.sk
116 111 Helpline for children and youth in Slovakia
E-mail: 116111@ldi.sk
Languages: Slovakian, English (online support)
Other resources
Children of war portal – click here
Information for people fleeing the war in Ukraine – Download here
Information Sheet – Access to territory, asylum procedures and reception conditions for Ukrainian nationals in European countries (3.03.2022) – Download here
Ukrainian Crisis Resource Centre – Download here
IOM hotline numbers and support contacts per country – Download here
Missing Children Europe gratefully acknowledges support from:

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