Our impact
Supporting frontline professionals
Over 306 trained professionals across
- 1 free online course
- 6 expert webinars
- 2 online academic trainings
- 1 live conference

Raising awareness andchallenging narratives
644K people reached through Missing Children Europe‘s social media channels in 2023.
71.8K people reached by IMCD campaign on the 116000 hotlines about the issue of missing children in Europe and the vital role that the 116000 hotline and Missing Children Europe network play in supporting children and families in need.
5.8K social media impressions during our Mediation Week campaign.
5,592 Facebook followers
6,537 X followers
5,158 LinkedIn followers

Advocating for child-centred policy
In 2023, policy and advocacy work revolved around the below achievements:
The Council of Europe issued a Recommendation on the Rights and the best interests of the Child in Parental Separation Proceedings which included some of Missing Children Europe’s recommendations on supporting children during legal divorce proceeding and on involving children in alternative dispute resolution methods.
The European Commission’s published its Proposal for a new Victim’s Rights Directive which referred to the 116 000 hotlines as one of the 116 lines which should be supported to provide EU wide coverage functioning as a first contact point, offering emotional support and referral between 116 services and towards specialised support services.
Missing Children Europe has continued its advocacy regarding children from Ukraine forcibly transferred to Russia and Russian-occupied territories and supported our member NGO, Magnolia, working on these cases in Ukraine, in sharing challenges at a public hearing in the European Parliament.
The 8th HCCH Special Commission on the Practical Operation of the 1980 Child Abduction convention, recognised the work of Missing Children Europe alongside other national and international organisation, in the prevention of parental abductions.
Supporting child participation

1 young person shared her story of going missing at our European conference on Missing Children in Europe: for better cooperation between countries and 116 000 hotlines., held in Paris in November of 2023. She addressed a wide audience of professionals from across Europe to inform and educate them on her experience and recommendations for an improved child protection system
20 young survivors of grooming and missing were interviewed as part of our CESAGRAM proejct to understand the survivor’s perspective on pathways from grooming to missing, and gather their recommendations for prevention.
4 young people took part in evaluating and improving children participation mechanisms at Missing Children Europe through an assessment of our practices and approaches. The assessment will serve as guidance for the implementation of a Youth Board at Missing Children in Europe in 2024
Using scientific data to define priorities
21 hotlines
provided data for the Figures and Trends 2023 report.
2 active research projects,
Secured funding for for further projects,
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