On this page, you can navigate by country all the projects re-granted funding of Missing Children Europe’s Operating Grant (2023) by the European Commission (insert call name and number).

Each member from Missing Children Europe’s network was invited to apply for the re-granting by proposing project on two themes: awareness raising for the 116000 missing children hotlines and improving advocacy through a national mapping of legislations relevant to missing children.

By clicking on each country, you can read more the project objectives and activities of each member.


Title of the project: Support and Prevention of missing children in Bulgaria
Budget received (EUR): 15.988,00
Project duration: 05/23 – 11/23 (7m)
Target groups: Community (parents, teachers, professionals, children and young people)

Centre Nadja in Bulgaria has been a member of Missing Children Europe for more than 10 years. They are responsible for running the 116000 missing children hotline in their country. As part of their project Support and Prevention of missing children in Bulgaria, Centre Nadja will run a social media campaign to raise awareness of the 116000 hotlines, and disseminate relevant information about the hotline through schools, partner NGOs, field visits to migrant camps, a broadcast on national television. Centre Nadja will also complete a national mapping of legislations relevant to missing children and organize a final closing conference for their project.


Title of the project: FindMe
Budget received (EUR): 9.600,00
Project duration: 05/23 – 12/23 (8m)
Target groups: Community (parents, teachers, professionals, children and young people)

Centre for missing and exploited children is running the 116 000 missing children hotline in Croatia. Their project, FindMe, aims at dispelling common misconceptions about missing children and subsequently raise awareness on the importance of the 116 000 hotline for missing children. To reach a wide audience, the Centre for missing and exploited children will organise a humanitarian run, revolving around the issue of missing children in Croatia, and will support its endeavour with the use of media (including TV and radio) and further community outreach events.

Czech Republic

Title of the project: Campaign for raising awareness of the 116 000 hotline in the Czech Republic
Budget received (EUR): 6.720,00
Project duration: 05/23 – 11/23 (7m)
Target groups: Community (parents, teachers, professionals, children and young people)

Cesta z krize will be celebrating 10 years since it started running the 116 000 hotline for missing children. On this occasion, the charity will run a two-month long awareness raising campaign targeting the association’s visibility in the country, as it is the only organisation of its kind. The campaign will be led in cooperation with two media agencies, to maximise the audience reach and, eventually, assists more service users needing help.


Title of the project: Kadonneet lapset auttamisjärjestelmä
Budget received (EUR): 6.460,98
Project duration: 05/23 – 11/23 (7m)
Target groups: Parents, carers, and children

Finland has been operating the 116 000 hotline since 2015 and has maintained an excellent cooperation with Lasten Perusoikeudet. To further enhance this cooperation and strengthen prevention, the charity sees a need to raise awareness on the existing mechanisms for children going missing. Their project, Kadonneet lapset auttamisjärjestelmä (or Missing Children Help System) aims at mapping the existing services and make them accessible on an ergonomic and child-friendly website. The project will especially focus on children who run away, as they are particularly exposed to risks of exploitation.


Title of the project: ACTING
Budget received (EUR): 16.000,00
Project duration: 05/23 – 12/23 (8m)
Target groups: Part 1: Community (parents, teachers, professionals, children and young people)
Part 2: French Ministry of Interior and law enforcement

To better tackle the issue of children (at risk of) going missing in France, 116 000 Enfants Disparus will be leading a twofold project, ACTING, aiming to improve responses to missing children and reduce related violence. The first part of the project will be an awareness raising campaign conducted through the broadcast of a communication spot, to reach a wide audience. The second part of the project consists in an advocacy strategy to the French Ministry of Interior, to promote mandatory training on child disappearance issues for law enforcement officers. Together, these two steps will also enhance cooperation with relevant law professionals.


Title of the project: Compass: effective support and communication
Budget received (EUR): 15.999,98
Project duration: 05/23 – 11/23 (7m)
Target groups: Parents and professionals

Since 2014, MPFSC has managed the 116 000 hotline for missing children, while having been supporting missing children’s relatives for over 27 years. Through their new project, Compass: effective support and communication, the charity is aiming at building the capacities of experts working with children, as well as parents, to equipe them with the proper skills to analyse the reasons leading children to run away, and better prevent such phenomenon. This activity will be completed with an advocacy strategy toward the municipality, to encourage them to develop and integrate a model answering to the issue of children missing. The overall project will be supported by a communication campaign, carried through varied channels to reach a wide audience.


Title of the project: Popularisation of the causes and prevention of disappearances of people under 18 years of age, including mapping of legal and institutional systems in Poland
Budget received (EUR): 16.000,00
Project duration: 05/23 – 11/23 (7m)
Target groups: Community (parents, teachers, professionals, children and young people)

ITAKA has been operating in Poland for 25 years to help missing people and their relatives and is wishing to continue its activity through an extensive project: Popularisation of the causes and prevention of disappearances of people under 18 years of age, including mapping of legal and institutional systems in Poland. ITAKA is projecting a comprehensive and dynamic educational campaign, to struggle against disinformation and fake news, while using mainstream channels used both by the general public and targeted groups (adolescents, parents, carers, educators etc). Along with this activity, ITAKA will produce a mapping of the existing child protection system, and will focus on identifying legal gaps, analysing and assessing areas where the law is insufficient or imprecise. Aside from giving the right tools to relevant caretakers once a child has gone missing, the project will promote prevention.


Title of the project: Please, forget me not
Budget received (EUR): 8.000,00
Project duration: 06/23 – 12/23 (7m)
Target groups: Community (parents, teachers, professionals, children and young people)

IAC has been running the 116 000 hotline for missing children since 2004. Their new project, Please, forget me not, aims to increase the hotline’s services visibility, through a campaign with impactful visuals, videos and flyers targeting a wide audience – including civil society and professionals from relevant areas. The campaign will be further implemented through school interventions, where students will be given tools to understand and cope with missing children issues. Combined, these efforts will result in a comprehensive awareness-raising campaign, supporting the need for prevention.


Title of the project: 116 000 ANAR Missing children hotline
Budget received (EUR): 8.000,00
Project duration: 05/23 – 11/23 (7m)
Target groups:Community (parents, teachers, professionals, children and young people)

Fundación ANAR is operating the 116 000 hotline for missing children and is aiming, with its project 116 000 ANAR Missing children hotline, to increase its visibility to better prevent children from going missing. The visibility will be enhanced through engaging activities on social media, highlighting the importance of preventing risks, act correctly and provide the 116000 hotline as the main resource for children (at risk of) going missing.