Pre-register for our 2022 RADAR online course!

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A situation can tell multiple stories...

Finding a child is a learning process.

As a trained professional, YOU can learn how to spot the signs. Our free online course on Runaways will teach how to read a situation so that the right action is taken to prevent young people from running away!

The Challenges

Every year, around 250,000 children are reported missing in the EU. Children and young people who run away or are pushed from their home or care institutions are the largest group of missing children across Europe.

In 2020, young runaways made up 53.1% of the missing children cases reported to the 116 000 European hotlines for missing children.

Inaccurate perceptions of runaway children and misunderstandings around their behaviour lead to descriptions as ‘attention-seeking’ or a ‘behavioural problem’.

But running away is rather a symptom of adverse childhood experiences, and they themselves have described it as a means to “send a message that something is wrong” or to distance themselves from a difficult situation.

Why take the RADAR course?

The stigma attached to running away acts as a barrier to accessing support.

Misconceptions lead to inadequate responses and insufficient attention for runaways within child protection systems.

The course aims to improve understanding of runaways, equip professionals with the ability to detect and respond to behaviour, and encourage trust between professionals and runaway children upon their return.

The 4-week course will start in January 2021 and welcomes law enforcement officials, social workers, teachers and educators, hotline and helpline operators, and other professionals.

Register now!