Every year on 25 September, Missing Children Europe marks the launch of the NotFound, a software which turns useless 404 error pages into missing children posters. With the help of missing children organisations providing data for the error pages and partners using the platform, posters of missing children were displayed over 137 million times since the launch of the app in 2012!

What is NotFound?

NotFound is an easy and FREE web software that makes a difference in the lives of missing children, giving hope to their families. With NotFound, website owners can replace their ‘404 Error – Not Found’ pages with posters and details of missing children. It functions worldwide by incorporating geo-localized technology and users only see the details of missing children provided by partners in the nearest area. Moreover, using NotFound increases Google search ranking and improves the user experience! This year FamousGrey, the NotFound developer, has improved the code and made the app more accessible for new websites to join, making it a more efficient tool to raise awareness and help find missing children. 

Want to join?

1) Help find missing children across Europe by simply implementing the NotFound web software onto your website – turning useless error pages into supporting a worthy cause.

Download NotFound

2) Join us today on 25 September and spread the word about NotFound to as many contacts to ensure we take part in finding missing children across Europe. Don’t forget to use our hashtag #NotFoundDay and tag us on social media:

Twitter: @notfoundorg @MissingChildEU | FB: MissingChildrenEurope |

3) Donate to Missing Children Europe to sustain the NotFound app and our other initiatives to improve the lives of missing children and their families. 

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