Call for Consultants – April 26th 2024
Mid term review of Missing Children Europe’s organisational strategy
Consolidating our impact on children 2022-2025
This exciting consultancy opportunity is to support the mid-term review of Missing Children Europe’s 4-year organisational strategy for 2022-2025, evaluating progress on the thematic and cross-cutting priorities the organisation put forward to deliver for its members and have real impact on children (at risk of) going missing. It should enable the organisation to put in place the necessary internal processes to adjust its course to continue to deliver impact in 2024-2025 and to prepare for its next strategy 2026-onwards
Missing Children Europe is the European federation for missing and sexually exploited children, representing 31 organisations from 27 European countries. Our mission is to enable the development of effective and holistic child protection systems to prevent children from going missing; support missing children and their families; and protect children from any risk of violence and abuse that may lead to or result from going missing.
Missing Children Europe aims to focus on problems where we can have the most impact on the protection of rights and wellbeing of children. Thematically, this currently encompasses missing unaccompanied children, runaways and international parental abductions with a cross cutting fourth programme on cross-border services for missing children, including 116 000 hotlines.
Funding for Missing Children Europe’s activities come from a European Commission Rights’ Equality and Citizenship Operating Grant as part of a framework partnership agreement, DG Justice for various project grants, private funders (foundations, corporate and individual donors) and members.
Missing Children Europe’s work is grounded in the UNCRC and operates within the framework of the SDGs and Cof E Child Rights strategy
Information about our work can be found on
The working language of Missing Children Europe is English.
Purpose of this call/objectives
The purpose of this call is to identify an appropriately skilled consultant who will support the Secretariat to review the impact of its organisational strategy 2022-2025 that will guide annual operational plans to deliver impact and results in relation to the mission of Missing Children Europe.
To that end, we envisage a three-phase process as follows:
- Phase one – detailed evaluation of the mid-term impact of the 2022-2025 strategy based on desk research and consultation of the most important stakeholders (staff, Board, members, funders, children,…)
- Phase two – recommendations on necessary adjustments to the strategic priorities, activities, organisational development, resourcing and internal processes and organisation of Missing Children Europe
- Phase three – Production of final strategy review report in consultation with the Board and Secretariat of Missing Children Europe on which the organizational strategy 2026-onwards can build
- As soon as possible: initiation meeting with management
- Early May – mid May : desk research, all staff team consultation (half day workshop) – consultation with stakeholders
- Late May: first playback of initial analysis to the Secretariat, half day workshop to support further input
- Early June: Recommendations for the adjustments to the organisational strategy
- Mid June: feedback from the Board and Membership at General Assembly
- August: Finalised report including recommendations for future strategy
- November: presented to General Assembly
- KPI analysis & overview
- Recommendations for adjustments to the organisational strategy 2022-2024.
- Final report on review of the strategy including recommendations Strategy 2025-onwards
Bi-weekly short reporting meeting with the Secretary General
Profile of consultant
- Significant experience working with child rights organisations on strategic and organisational reviews
- Excellent knowledge of the EU policy environment and the child rights’ sector and operating environment
- Experience with child participation and vulnerable groups a strong asset
- Excellent knowledge and skills in qualitative and quantitative methodology
- Fluent English and excellent writing skills (all communications should be in English)
- Ability to listen to others, process information, communicate effectively, encourage the sharing of information and ideas, moderate (online) workshops.
Applications shall include the following:
- a short methodological note (est 2 pages) detailing your approach to the assignment, how you understand the expected outputs and how you propose to deliver them, with timetable.
- a financial offer including the fees per day, the budget repartition for every task and the overall budget, VAT inclusive.
- a detailed resume in English, and
- a signed cover letter in English outlining:
- Why the candidate is suitable to carry out the work
- Main experience with regard to Child Rights programming, policy and advocacy and child participation and vulnerable groups
to before April 26th, 2024 (10:00 AM CET).